Hello, I'm Brenda!

I’m a staff research associate for the Obenaus Lab at the University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine. I conduct MRI-focused research and teach collaborators how to process their neuroimaging data. I have tested and implemented several automated processes for the Preclinical Translational Imaging Center at UCI, which has significantly decreased imaging analysis time. Explore some of my works below.

Passions and Projects

Pick my brain

Science runs in my veins. Click on the Susceptibility Weighted Image (SWI) of my brain to see where I’ve been and where I hope to go.

Lab Innovations

Post-pandemic staff shortages inspired me to create. Click on the structural image to learn more about the systems, protocols, and lessons I’ve developed for the Lab.

Posters, Presentations and papers

What can MRI tell us about long-term alterations in the brain? Click the vessel-painted brain above to explore some of my work on ResearchGate!